Everything starts with a great Team! They make Orkestra.

Julien Chettle – Co-Founder
Sound Mixer
I arrived in Barcelona in 2003 when I was 18 years to study sound engineering. I then went to Paris and started working in different dubbing companies and other studios for 3 years. I returned to Barcelona to pursue my career as a dubbing recording talent and mixing artist. In 2012, I started to work as a voice talent and a few years later, I became an artistic director for movies and films. After working for many years together with Laurent, we decided to merge our companies and create Orkestra Studio in 2017.

Laurent Gerald – Co-Founder
Sound mixer
I started in the recording industry in France as a record producer and DJ, I then moved to England to study sound and work as a sound engineer and studio installation for 8 years. I came to Barcelona in 2006 to pursue my career attracted by this vibrant city. After working together in the dubbing industry for 8 years we decided to start a dubbing studio with my associate Julien Chettle. Orkestra Studio was born. During those years I have learned a great deal in sound as well as business management.
Project Manager / Client relations

International Sales / Client Relations

Sound Engineer /Audio Design

Freelance Project Coordinator

Freelance Producer

Freelance Producer

Everything starts with a great Team!

Julien Chettle – Co-Founder
Sound Mixer
I arrived in Barcelona in 2003 when I was 18 years to study sound engineering. I then went to Paris and started working in different dubbing companies and other studios for 3 years. I returned to Barcelona to pursue my career as a dubbing recording talent and mixing artist. In 2012, I started to work as a voice talent and a few years later, I became an artistic director for movies and films. After working for many years together with Laurent, we decided to merge our companies and create Orkestra Studio in 2017.

Laurent Gerald – Co-Founder
Sound Mixer
I started in the recording industry in France as a record producer and DJ, I then moved to England to study sound and work as a sound engineer and studio installation for 8 years. I came to Barcelona in 2006 to pursue my career attracted by this vibrant city. After working together in the dubbing industry for 8 years we decided to start a dubbing studio with my associate Julien Chettle. Orkestra Studio was born. During those years I have learned a great deal in sound as well as business management.

Project Manager / Client relations

International Sales / Client Relations

Sound Engineer /Audio Design
Freelance Project Coordinator

Freelance Producer

Freelance Producer

Everything starts with a great Team!

Julien Chettle – Co-Founder
Sound Mixer
I arrived in Barcelona in 2003 when I was 18 years to study sound engineering. I then went to Paris and started working in different dubbing companies and other studios for 3 years. I returned to Barcelona to pursue my career as a dubbing recording talent and mixing artist. In 2012, I started to work as a voice talent and a few years later, I became an artistic director for movies and films. After working for many years together with Laurent, we decided to merge our companies and create Orkestra Studio in 2017.

Laurent Gerald – Co-Founder
Sound Mixer
I started in the recording industry in France as a record producer and DJ, I then moved to England to study sound and work as a sound engineer and studio installation for 8 years. I came to Barcelona in 2006 to pursue my career attracted by this vibrant city. After working together in the dubbing industry for 8 years we decided to start a dubbing studio with my associate Julien Chettle. Orkestra Studio was born. During those years I have learned a great deal in sound as well as business management.
Project Manager / Client relations

International Sales / Client Relations
Sound Engineer /Audio Design

Freelance Project Coordinator
Freelance Producer

Freelance Producer